annual fund manager

About Christchurch School
Rappahannock River in Virginia. 学校的使命是激励和引导每个学生走向自信的独特旅程, purpose, and identity within a caring, structured community, 他们在哪里发现自己的无限价值,并培养出富有同情心的技能, successful, and engaged global citizens.
Position Overview
在首席发展官的指导和监督下, 年度基金经理负责监督完美体育年度基金工作的各个方面. This dynamic leader is responsible for planning, executing and growing the School’s annual fund, known as The Bell Tower Fund, 通过为所有学校的选区制定有吸引力的策略. 年度基金经理与开发团队合作,增加年度基金收入, broaden the base of support, retain and upgrade donors through appropriate stewardship, 并透过多渠道的努力,例如直接邮寄,来加强巨额捐献管道, email campaigns, giving days, and on and off-campus engagement opportunities. 该职位还为年度基金志愿者提供指导和支持. 年度基金经理的主要职责包括但不限于
  • 发展和壮大钟楼基金,通过多渠道的外展活动吸引学校的每一位受众,从而有意义地表达慈善支持对学校的重要性.
  • Track donor performance, manage audience segmentation and targeting, and explore new and innovative strategies to maximize revenue.
  • 与发展助理总监和首席发展官合作,开发和管理支持校友参与和慈善事业的项目.
  • 维持约100名潜在客户的投资组合,并制定策略来培养和管理年度捐献, 确定并优先考虑每年250- 10美元基金捐赠者的前景,000 with a focus on next-generation donor cultivation.
  • 与首席发展官合作,透过培养弧线来管理捐献人,以建立巨额捐献人的管道.
  • 教育和告知捐助者如何支持与他们的慈善目标一致的学院.
  • 与首席发展官密切合作,制定和定位符合学校运营需求的年度基金目标和优先事项.
  • In conjunction with the Director of Communications, develop all collateral materials to brand, solicit and steward annual prospects and donors, and assist with all other development communication pieces.
  • 作为我们年度家长及前受奖人捐赠活动的主要联络点, with special emphasis upon increasing young alumni giving.
  • 发展、激励和管理教职员年度捐赠活动.
  • 与开发团队和班级代理密切合作,监督以团聚为基础的筹款计划. Determine overall reunion giving strategy, help recruit volunteer leadership, 并监督班级进展,以确保实现团聚的财务目标.
  • 如有需要,参加与发展有关的活动和全校范围内的活动,以联系选民.
  • 协助编制网站和任何其他通讯的捐助者名单.
  • Embrace our mission, vision, core values, 以及它在弗吉尼亚教区学校系统的圣公会学校中的地位.
  • 了解学校的学术项目和完美体育.
  • 可能通过义务、咨询或课外活动参与学校社区.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.
Qualifications and Experience
  • 本科以上学历,三年以上非营利或教育筹款或销售工作经验.
  • 采用以捐赠者为中心的心态,为日常和战略决策提供信息.
  • Team player with a positive attitude, proactive approach, customer service mindset, courage, and ability to motivate.
  • 能够独立和合作为教育机构筹集大量资金支持, or equivalent entity.
  • Experience leading and engaging all stakeholders - leadership, trustees, colleagues, faculty, parents, students, alumni, friends, and volunteers.
  • A disciplined, 以结果为导向,能在多变的环境中独立和协同工作.
  • 良好的战略、批判、分析和解决问题的能力.
  • 良好的人际交往能力,包括机智、外交、保密和判断力.
  • 优秀的项目管理技能-能够在多功能项目中发挥领导作用, 管理多重职责和竞争需求,并对其进行优先排序, and adapt to frequent and unexpected changes.
  • 善于关注细节,能够制定、实施和分析策略.
  • Knowledge with Word, Excel, Raiser’s Edge, Blackbaud, Constant Contact and Evite, and any other related or relevant technology.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • 愿意并能够出差,包括国内出差和国际出差.
Equal Employment Opportunity
The School is an equal opportunity employer. 学院为所有员工和求职者提供平等的就业机会,而不考虑个人的种族, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, status as a veteran, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions including lactation, age, disability, 遗传信息或者法律禁止的其他因素. All aspects of personnel management – including hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment, layoff, discipline, termination, compensation, benefits, 培训和工作条件-将按照本政策进行管理. 每个员工都应该尽自己的一份力量来维护一个没有歧视的工作环境, harassment, and retaliation.
Conditional Offers
这个职位的工作机会取决于申请人在美国工作的权利, 授权并完成学校或法律要求的成功背景调查.
Compensation and Benefits
完美体育提供极具竞争力的薪酬待遇,包括良好的健康计划选择, retirement benefits, professional development, and networking opportunities. This is a 12-month full-time exempt position.
Hours of Work
Monday through Friday from 8:00-5:00 p.m. 根据工作需要,可能需要晚上和周末工作,偶尔出差.
请将简历、薪资要求和求职信寄给Michelle S. Schroeter, Chief Development Officer, at

Christchurch School

49 Seahorse Lane,
Christchurch, Virginia 23031